Elements to be analyzed in cargo theft

Among the different analyzed factors, a key element is to choose an adequate and safe resting area. And this is because the rest time during the carriage implies leaving the truck and the cargo unattended directly by the carrier. Consequently, the insurance companies and jurisprudence analyze the following basic points in order to determine whether the effective carrier took the necessary measures to prevent and avert any theft or robbery, taking into consideration the chosen resting area:

  • If it is an area frequented by people or cars, and if it is an open area.
  • If it is a fenced perimeter.
  • If there is an entry/exit control for people and vehicles, carried out by authorized personnel.
  • If there is an appropriate lighting all over the entire parking area.
  • If there is a video surveillance system in the parking area.
  • Time the stolen cargo remained without being subjected to necessary supervision.

All these main criteria, together with others, will need to be assessed in each case. They are not only helpful factors for insurance companies in their analysis of facts, but they are also taken into account in case of solving a legal claim.

If you are interested in this topic or need more information, do not hesitate to contact us (enlace contacto).  We specialize in Shipping, Transport, International Trade and Insurance Law.